International Student Trips Powered By Discovery Education
Tylers Going Aussie


Monday, June 1, 2009

Yesterday we woke up bright and early. Well not really bright because the sun was not out yet. Anyway we crawled out of our sleeping bags and cleaned ourselves up. After a quick breakfast we made our way onto the 4 wheel drive coach. Although we slipped and slided a little it was not the same as coming into the camp. Next we made a quick switch over to a much nicer coach to embarck on our 6 hour journey. With some unexpected stops and maneuvers we got in to the cultural center at Uluru rock just in time. Once there we had one of the natives, Cassidy, show us some survival techniques. He showed us the various tools that men, women, and children use. the coolest were the spears that the men use. The men use a speacial tool called a spear thrower to add length to their arm to increase spear speed. Next we learned about traditional dot painting. The dot painting actually tells storys and is not just random. I made a painting of and optimistic sunrise. After we felt like little kindergardeners again we went back to our hotel for a BBQ. At the BBQ along with Ashlee, Shea, and Arron I had kangaroo. Off to bed.

Woke up very early this morning to go catch the sunrise on Uluru rock. None of us thought it was possible but suddenly the sun poked through. It provided us with some incredible shots. It must have been my painting. After the sunrise we got a very breif tour of the rest of the park. We learned that Uluru has not eroded over the years because it erodes from the inside out. After our "tour" we made our way back into town to grab some lunch and board the plane to Cairns. When we arrived in Cairns we were welcomed by heat and humidity. We got our bags and got onto the bus. After stopping for a quick photo op at the beach we arrived at the Croc Farm. We first went to see the exhibit with all of the crocs. We learned that the crocs sex is determined by the temperature of its nest. If its nest is 31 to 32 degrees celsius it will be a boy and any other temperature will be a girl. Next we went to see some various animals that included a toad, snake, walluby and koala.We all got to "hold" the koala witch was lucky because Queensland is the only state than allows you to even touch a koala. Yet again we had another outstanding BBQ and then off to see the Northern Quall. One different thing about the Quall is the female has to bulid up fat on its neck because during mating the male thrashes it around. After this we got back on the coach and headed for the hotel to try and catch some sleep. Well I've got to get to bed so see ya


Susan said...

Great blogs!! I have learned a great deal from your blog postings and enjoy reading them.
I am sure the dot painting you did the day before helped out with the sunrise over Uluru.
I think whip cracking must be a bit tricky. Hope your finger is better and thanks for sharing your trip through your blogs.
Mrs. Jensen's mom

Shannon said...


Your optimism painting sounds like it did the trick - those were awesome photos of Uluru. On the other end of the spectrum, the baseball game tonight was rained out - guess you sent the rain to Castle Rock. Was the Koala soft? Everyone at my work is counting on you to bring one back. Looking forward to the posts on the Great Barrier Reef.


Mama Eickstaedt said...

It almost feels like we are in Australia with you! You (and all of the others) are doing such a great job with twitter,blogs,photos, etc. Keep up the informative story telling. I love it. Have an awesome time on the GBR.

Maripi said...

Hi Tyler, I look forward to reading your blog and following along on your adventure.

Maria Aldanese

Anonymous said...

I am really enjoying your posts. Can't wait til you get to the Great Barrier Reef. It is close to the top of my wish list of places to visit. What a great opportunity for you.

Larry Eickstaedt

Anonymous said...

hiiiii. my grandma told me about this and it sounds really cool and it also sounds like you are having a great time! i really like reading about your adventures in Australia. i have always wanted to go there. soo yeah i guess that my mom and your dad are 1st cousins so we must be like 2nd cousins... my grandpa and grandma are lowell and ramona main.

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Essential Programs Details

Duration 14 days
When May 25th - June 7th, 2009
Focus Marine Biology
Aboriginal Culture